A speech therapist began visiting me at home before I attended Penhale preschool nursery which had a local unit for deaf children attached - (these were called PHU Partially hearing Units and specialist teachers were there to teach deaf children to use the Aural approach ( using speech)). I did begin to catch up. My mother- Margaret was the one behind my learning to acquire sounds and letters, she never gave up and always made sure i repeated sound to sound( still does now ha ha!). Various tools were used - books, toys pictures and the balloon.
I can vividly remember holding a balloon up to my mouth in some of my therapy lessons at school and being told to feel the sounds vibrating through my hands and being rewarded for each noise i got correct . It was a very frustrating time in my life - but I thank my mother for her determination. I was lucky as i did have some residue hearing to work with and as my speech improved so did my interaction and i was then weaned and placed in a normal classroom within school with the hearing children on a full time basis.
This was probably an old method used in the 80s and as far as im aware is not used today - one thing i learnt from this balloon technique was that it made my sounds very nasal and it wasnt until later in life i realsied sounds can from other parts of the body by tummy and use of breathing techniques..
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