For those that do not know much about labyrythitis here's a summary :
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear,[1] and a form of unilateral vestibular dysfunction. It derives its name from the labyrinths that house the vestibular system (which sense changes in head position). Labyrinthitis can cause balance disorders.
In addition to balance control problems, a labyrinthitis patient may encounter hearing loss and tinnitus. Labyrinthitis is usually caused by a virus, but it can also arise from bacterial infection, head injury, extreme stress, an allergy or as a reaction to a particular medication. Both bacterial and viral labyrinthitis can cause permanent hearing loss, although this is rare.
Strangely after i had labyrithtis i then proceeded to get Swine influenza, i was very poorly and put on strong antibiotics as well as Tamiflu to recover ( Tamiflu made me very sick so lasted only a few days - one of the side effects!).
3 months later after recovery I began experiencing bad dizzy spells - very similar but confined me to bed at times and meant i had to rest - again my General Practitioner prescribed me the same medication to help - but after regular intervals, the attacks were becoming much more frequent and he thought something wasn't right so decided to refer me to hospital to see a Ear Nose and Throat Specialist.
Please note this all happened way before I was implanted with the Neurelec device.
Seeing the Vestibular Specialist
On meeting my Vestibular specialist - I endured a discussion of my symptoms and a series of some tests one of them was alike below - Please do not attempt to do this by yourself - this is something that should only be done under a specialist care
It was concluded after the tests that i was in fact suffering with
A Summary what this is is as follows:
What are vestibular migraines?Vestibular migraine is a variant of migraine in which instead of headache being the most predominant feature, dizziness is. Patients usually say that out of nowhere they got extremely dizzy and don't feel like they're on even ground. Some describe a spinning or rocking sensation. They have light or sound sensitivity and get nauseous or throw up. Episodes can last minutes to hours, and there's a chronic form where people have a constant sense of imbalance. In many instances, people have a history of migraine headaches before vestibular migraine shows up.
What causes vestibular migraines?
We believe they're an inherited disorder. Patients' brains are normal on MRI imaging but in the same way that a migraine is a disorder of function, meaning an abnormal firing of pain pathways, we're still trying to figure out the mechanism behind vestibular migraines.
There seems to be hyperexcitability in the brain stem that's overlapping with the vestibular structures—which allow us to keep our balance—that's causing the dizziness.
I was shocked at first because i didnt have any pain! but Ive been on a special diet - which has eased the symptoms very much - but I'm trying different types of medication at the moment to see if we can ease it. I'm thankful he understands how debilitating it can be - i tend to find if i stress myself out too much, eat some of the triggers it does flare up so I've adopted the spoon theory so i can manage my time and make sure i don't do too much too soon. Slows me down i know - but i suppose its all for a good reason these things and meant to be.
Post Operation
Very soon after my operation i was poorly with vertigo - but showing different symptoms - more difficulty and very spinny when i walked - but after speaking to my Specialist he assured me that this possibly was from the Operation and there was probably some swelling in my inner ear and he said it would subside - he was right it is getting better each day. One good bonus is - i don't seem to be getting as much ear infections as I used to. This is probably because i do not need to wear a ear mould no more so again another advantage to having the Implant.
Ive also noticed however when ever i placed my glasses on - it can be quite tender to wear this is probably due to the operation - like any other head operation it does take a long while for the swelling to go down - Ive ordered newer lighter glasses.
Been also getting into Christmas spirit by listening to some Christmas Songs - Its quite nice actually as i can hear the beat and some of the melodies quite well. I struggled with that last year so I can actually say I'm looking forward to joining in the Christmas Spirit.
I'm due another tune in /mapping this week coming so looking forward to that - will keep you posted how it goes and update you with some new sounds Ive been hearing this month - I'm coming up to my 3 month listening milestone on the 16th. Over all I'm really pleased with how things have been - its just taken me along time to get adjusted - but like my audiologist said to me - Ive been deaf all my life so it will take me a long time.
Finally Ive set a Neurelec -Binaural Users Supporters page on facebook - as i thought it might help others like me - if you want the link email me and i shall add you to it.. Im no expert - but its a good start I think.
You say you are no 'expert' and yet your words here (in this place/your space),so informative and helpful.
Was going to ask you about music and *dance* you can hear such! It must be lovely. For sure, this Christmas will be brighter or at least 'louder'! Ha!
oh sarah you are kind - iits not perfect yet simple songs like carols and old songs are much simpliar to read - but its a good beginning - and with regards to the expert - i dont feel it yet still have much more more miles to go yet ! Im working on it - then maybe i'll get my flute out again and have a tinkle :) - much love as always x
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