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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The future changes and so does time!

About a year ago I remember reading my local newspaper and came across an article about a lady who had been the first person in the UK who had a new type of cochlear implant - on reading this article I was amazed that technology had indeed changed a lot since I first heard about them. The way they described this device was that it was linked to two ears by one wire /magnet and although she had been deaf all her life she was doing well with her rehabilitation. My thoughts about this at this time was that I was intrigued and also fascinated how it worked. I never gave myself much thought to think that I would be about to encounter such an experience, but as the future changes and so does time.
My journey to a C.I began last summer when another decline in my deafness was identified and the Audiologist ( a scientist who measures hearing loss) looked up to me and said - ‘You really aren’t getting much now are you ?’ and my reply was ‘No, I just needed someone to tell me that as I've been blaming my new hearing aids and changed them twice to no success’ she then replied ‘you know there are other avenues - like a Cochlear implant don’t you ?’.. my actual response at the time was ‘No, No way - I've been deaf all my life and I’ll cope’ I was then handed a leaflet about a cochlear implant device and on my journey home I read this on the bus and thought - ‘well maybe - just maybe I was a bit too harsh’.I wanted to find out more about them, I've been deaf all my life and the last 3 to 4 years have struggled with deterioration in my hearing loss, which had a knock on effect within my life, work and also health. Within those 3 to 4 years I've suffered with depression, vertigo and most importantly isolation from the hearing world. Yes I was lucky as I have speech and an much more able than others alike but I wasn't coping very well and maybe the audiologist was right - other avenues are needed? Besides I didn’t have much to loose did I?!!

here's a copy of the article : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7968074/New-cochlear-implant-offers-all-round-hearing-to-deaf-at-half-the-cost.html


Tracy Rance Bradic said...

Well good luck with everything Lisa, and we'll be with you every step of the way xxx

Vivie said...

Great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com). -- Vivie (Deaf Village Moderator)

Unknown said...

hi vivie - i did try but had problems doing it so - if you could add me that would be fab - i wants to share my experience to help others who are interested in the new neurelec device,lisa x

Unknown said...

coypu - thanks for ur kind words xx