I ran out of space but in my previous blog - Sorry guys!! this is why ive called it part two - Now let me tell you the next part of my journey is soo exciting .. As I sat in the room after completeing my expectations quiz- its something they do - discuss with you what to expect from the implant. i was told not to get my expectations high but this is what ive learnt so far : I will not hear perfectly when i begin my process as it takes a long while to listen again - especially when ive never heard before, i have to retrain my brain and also i may not identify sounds ive never heard before. Also one point i do want to make is it - its not a cure for deafness - its just like a super AMAZING hearing aid that may improve things quite alot - instead of my hearing aids that I cannot hear much from. Hope this makes sense! any questions just ask me.
For the next part i was able to see the colours I could choose my processors to be in wow - ive never seen so many to choose from in my lifetime! The company neurelec provided our centre with a vanity case that had a mirror in with loads of dummy processors with all the colours of the rainbow. all my life Ive had boring old beige hearing aids. So it was Amazing i felt like i was shopping - 'hmm this colour NOO that colour? Yesss trendy, another colour - Not bad and on and on'.. ! You can also imagine my husbands face when i went 'cool i can get matching shoes, handbag to go with my device now!'. I've even heard someone chose the same colour as there car! How marvelous is that !
By then I had already pin pointed two devices that i liked and decided on the Nucleus 5 which was shown in white casing for a single implant that would go in one ear or the Neurelec for two ears which was embedded under the scalp to travel over to my second ear .
I tried them on both on my ears - and Neurelec come out tops!It was light to wear aswell - made me realise how heavy my post aural hearing aids were! As for colour - I chose Purple ! - I know a crazy moment- but hey 'im still deaf and im proud of it !' Sometimes people forget so i thought it might help make my disability much more visual when my hair was put up. I looked at my mother who came with me and she was delighted and very excited for me. Got to wait for a decision from the panel now and for funding to be applied for. CANT WAIT - im soo excited !!!
LisaAB! I have just spent the last 40mins reading this and I am so impressed.The way you have worded such holds my interest. I am going to have to follow you. I am WANTING to follow you, on this journey.
I always knew you were a strong person. Your strength shines through your words written and they will hold you in good stead, through all of this; I'm sure.
Sarah it means alot to me that you have joined me on my journey - especially more so when i know how far youve come yourslef - thats why our friendship is soo special -and I guess I forgot to tell you didnt i ? another one of my hidden talents - and as for strength - i get it from encouragement from people like you.xx
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