My case went before a panel to decide if they would go for funding and in april 2011 i was told that they will apply to funding from the NHS - im not sure how it all works but i know they rarely refuse- I was informed a NICE policy the NHS have means they usually consent to the implant and procedure. I rang them up after about 6 weeks as i hadnt heard anything - but a few days later i was jumping with glee when i recieved the email - At last it was going to finally happen and the - 'lets get on with it' impatience was starting to disappear - but.. now i had to wait for a date and that was taking time. A single cochlear implant takes 3 hour, my operation was going to take 6 hours so I suspose i needed a longer slot which took time - it would be any hospital nearby so I placed myself on stand by - so if a slot became available i would be ready to go ! I know im crazy hahah but i dont have any holiday commitments or domestic worries so I was keen to get the ball rolling.
Ive actually had people say how brave i am to go ahead and also say gosh its a big thing having someone drill in your head - and asked if i was nervous but i really am not worried firstly I trust my surgeon and secondly if my peers can go through this process then i can too.
i actually said a prayer - thanked god for making this possible and also hoped he would guide me through this journey - after all if i didnt have faith in him i doubt i would be where i am today..
Does your doctor take medical? We have a 4 year old that is deaf that need a Cochlear Implant.
kathy - i dont think he does as Im based in the UK - wish i could help as ive heard storys that some medical insurances in usa etc dont do cochlear implants - i guess im lucky funding is different in uk .. wish you luck and keep me posted how it goes xxxx
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